Noble and the Twins: A Story of Love and Inspiration


Noble The Cat

Noble The Cat

The connection between my work now and the cats in my life began in 1966 when I felt a deep drive to have a Siamese cat. I had never been in a relationship with a cat before. My search for the “perfect” cat led me to adopt Noble, who was 12 weeks old. Noble changed the lives of everyone he met. He was a blue point Siamese cat with a powerful presence from the start.

The first night Noble was with me, I was afraid he would jump on me while I slept. I prepared to sleep, so I put him off the bed. He continued to jump up on the bed several times. Finally, I lay down, hoping he would understand my message. Instead, he jumped up on the foot of the bed and looked directly at me. I waited, this time, not moving. He proceeded to jump directly toward my face. I froze in fear. He landed with a front paw on either side of my head. I looked directly at him, and he at me. The message he was sending me was clear and precise. I said aloud, “I understand.” Through his action, Noble said, “I know what I am doing. I will never hurt you.” This defining moment of deep trust continued throughout our 22 year relationship while he was in his body and continues to this day as I feel his presence always around me. He and I always respected our promise made in that moment in trust.

During Noble’s life, his awareness and healing powers were demonstrated daily. He protected me, my children, and my home, sometimes growling or “meowling” at any threat to us. Noble could intimidate people with his fierceness. Often, when I worked, Noble was at my side, telling me through his actions how to work with someone as well as to whom or where I needed to direct my energy. Just about everyone who met Noble got a cat. During Noble’s last months, we were blessed to find a veterinarian who recognized his depth and powers. His veterinarian became and remains my dearest friend, a soul sister. After Noble’s transition (July 23, 1987 @ 20:40 in Pacific Palisades, CA), a friend suggested that we consider the experience and joy that breeding a litter of kittens would bring. Such began a very powerful journey leading to the birth of Ruzle and Joe on January 18, 1990 @ 07:32 and 07:50 in Pacific Palisades, CA.

Ruzle and Joe

Ruzle and Joe

Ruzle and Joe were the first and second born in a litter of six kittens. All the kittens looked quite different except for Ruzle and Joe, identical twins. During the kittens’ births, we recorded the exact birth times with a stopwatch so I could look at their astrological charts.

While I helped all six kittens survive, along with their very protective Mother, I occasionally found a whisker, a strand of fur, or some slight variation that helped me tell Ruzle and Joe apart. It wasn’t easy. They had the same mannerisms, the same voice, and the same strong charismatic personality. But they also had some differences.

When I began looking at the Human Design Charts in 1996, I found it disturbing that all six kittens, born over about a two-hour period (07:32 to 09:43) seemed to have the same mammalian design charts. I knew there was missing information that could differentiate them. Finding the differentiating calculations that would identify the personality characteristics of six distinctly different beings became essential to my quest personally and as a social scientist.

As is often the case, my quest was emphasized when Joe became ill on April 14, 2000. He was diagnosed with congenital cardiomyopathy. He died on August 31, 2000 @ 00:15 in Pacific Palisades, CA. Ruzle continued to live a healthy life until December 31, 2007 @ 12:50 in Los Angeles, CA.

In 2000, I was statistically analyzing the Human Design material looking for a marker that would account for Joe’s illness and death. I needed to find a very clear differentiating marker for me to feel that the accuracy of the material could be described as scientific. I hypothesized many alternative ways of approaching the calculations. I sought a parameter that could identify a physical marker in Joe and Ruzle and the dream cycle in humans and mammals. With Erik Memmert’s help, we found these differences in several key calculations, which I now use for all Noble Energy Maps™.

Ruzle and Joe, through their births and deaths validated work that has helped thousands of individuals to date and has the promise of changing the lives of countless other humans and animals for the better.

At the same time that I was looking for the missing markers for Joe and Ruzle, I began scientifically testing the Human Design System. Using social science and astrological research tools, I tested the system at that time (1999) on 30,000 cases. As I had found with the cats, the Human Design System proved to be only a partial system.

The results of my efforts to probe further led me to expand the Human Design system into a more complete set of tools that could account for the scientific findings of my research. I had identified the calculations and charts that needed to be added to the Human Design system to correct the inaccurate personality and life assessments provided. The new methodology I discovered is now called Noble Energy.