4 Worlds Form The Integrated Dimension

True wholeness arises from integrating all 4 aspects of your being!

True wholeness arises from integrating all 4 aspects of your being!

The Mental | Interactive World  (Waking World):
Your mental or waking world may appear to you as the most powerful of the four layers of functioning because it can seem to be the most “real.” This world is where you function most of your waking day. It is indeed powerful because the way you perceive ordinary life happenings (reality) creates the world in which you live and interact. In fact, you may often operate as if it’s the only dimension in which you live.

The Spiritual & Dream World  (The Unifying Integrative Field of Consciousness):
The world of collective unconscious archetypes (symbols) activates when you sleep. While you are not using your mental or conscious mind, you are still functioning in other ways. This world operates on the subconscious layer of awareness and connects to the superconscious (higher) layer of awareness. When we access the collective unconscious archetypes during sleep we are connected to all life. This is why archeological digs often find evidence of similar concepts, advances, symbols, etc. emerging at a similar time across cultures that are geographically isolated from one another. There is a wealth of information available to us in our dream state and in our spiritual layer of functioning if we know how to access it.

The Emotional World  (Angelic):
More than just what we normally think of as “emotions,” this is the world that gives you meaning in your life. How you handle your emotionality affects all components of your life. Knowledge and mastery of this layer of functioning offers you the capacity to rise above the momentary reactivity of life and find pathways connecting to your Higher Self. This is how we transcend choices made in fear, anger, etc.

The Physical World (Biological):
You live in a physical body that operates from the moment of conception. It is influenced as well as influences all aspects of your existence. Though people are aware that they have a body, there is often a profound disconnect between the body’s intelligence and the cognitive mind. The Hormonal/Physical Regulator of the body determines your physiology, its chemistry, and timing. By understanding the information in this world, you can better know how your body regulates and affects your health.

The 5th Dimension – Formed When  You Recognize and Understand How You Function Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically

Each of these dimensions operates within you all the time. Sometimes, I describe them as layers since that is how they are generally perceived. These layers, worlds, or dimensions correspond to the energy bodies or auric fields often identified by mystics and esoteric groups.

We are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic universe we live in; therefore, our energies interact in a dynamic fashion with the world around us. If we are energetic beings, then the thoughts and feelings we experience in our subtle bodies can eventually be translated to manifestation in our physical realities as these frequencies become denser.

Regardless of the way you live your life and regardless of your cultural practices, these are common energetic layers we all experience. When these areas of your life are recognized and in balance, you’re likely to feel a sense of alignment and happiness. When they’re out of balance you are likely to feel a sense of disharmony or dissatisfaction”

Noble Energy Mapping is a multidimensional system of interlocking dimensions that show how you function as an integrated being in a context of planetary influences. Because you operate in a cosmic program that transcends your existence, it is possible to see and chart the flow of energy over the course of days, weeks, and years to “read” the forces acting and interacting upon you and on the collective level as well.